Scientists Explain 6 Things That Cause Swollen Legs (And How to Fix It)

Swollen legs, also known as edema or water retention, can be a source of concern for many people. If you’re unsure about what’s causing it, you have every reason to be attentive about what the underlying cause might be.

The real kicker is that modern research has precisely revealed what causes this to occur. Armed with this knowledge, you can help to alleviate the situation. Here’s how science explains what causes legs to bloat and how to dispose of it!

People should consult their doctor if they see any redness, blistering, or swelling in their legs, particularly if it worsens with time.

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Here are 6 Root Causes of Swollen Legs and How to Treat Them.

1 Blood Clots

In most cases, blood clots in the legs are less severe than they appear – though they can be perilous if left untreated – and are referred to as venous insufficiency in medical terminology. Blood clots are more likely to form as people get older, and they are more common in women who have been pregnant.

What happens is that the vein walls in the legs begin to weaken, leaving one-way valves that help keep blood flowing toward the heart to face damage. As a result, the legs’ veins swell with blood, especially if you’ve been standing for an extended period.

Keeping your legs raised as you sit, lie down, and sleep regularly will reduce edema caused by this issue and prevent it from worsening. You may also use support stockings, but make sure they’re not too tight to leave marks. If you absolutely need them, you may also get prescription compression stockings; discuss your options with a doctor or physician.

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