Scientists Explain 6 Things That Cause Swollen Legs (And How to Fix It)

2 Lack of Activity

The majority of swelling issues are caused by minor circulation abnormalities that arise when you don’t move around much, leading the lower extremities to retain water and experience fluid buildup. If you spend a large portion of your day sitting in an office chair or tend to use the majority of your spare time sitting in front of a TV, your swelling legs could be your body’s way of screaming, “We must get moving!”

What is the most effective strategy to fight this issue? It’s so easy — get some more exercise! You don’t have to go all out at the gym or sign up for a yoga or CrossFit class unless you want to.

Simply set aside at least 30 minutes each day for light walking. You’d be astonished at what a tiny amount of physical activity can do for your body! Are you completely drained and unable to bear the thought of exercising right now? Try lying down and elevating your legs and feet above the level of your heart to minimize the swelling.

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