7 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Try Intermittent Fasting

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6 It Encourages Fat-Burning and Promotes Weight-Loss

Many people who decide to try intermittent fasting do it in order to lose weight. In general, when you intermittent fast, you automatically eat fewer calories due to the shorter eating periods. However, that’s not the only reason why intermittent fasting aids weight loss.

Intermittent fasting also improves hormone balance, which stimulates weight loss.

It reduces insulin levels increases the human growth hormone HGH and norepinephrine, which boosts fat burning and weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate resulting in additional fat burn.

To put it another way, intermittent fasting affects both sides of the calories equation: it boosts the metabolism, which means more calories are burnt over the course of a day. And it reduces the number of calories you eat during the fed period, which results in fewer calories in and more calories out. 

According to research, Intermittent fasting can cause weight loss of 3–8% over 3–24 weeks. Individuals who did intermittent fasting for 6-24 weeks have also lost 4-7% of their abdominal fat, which means a loss in visceral fat.

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