12 Ways to Enjoy the Simple Things

Making the most of life doesn’t have to be about big adventures or expensive treats. Here, we celebrate the little things in life that can make a big difference to your well-being.

1. Pack a picnic

There’s something so nostalgic about packing a basket of sandwiches, strawberries, and blanket and heading to a grassy field. It’s a timeless activity that enables you to immerse yourself in nature for an hour or two. Lie back and watch the clouds slowly change shape as they drift across the sky.

2. Hold hands

As Covid restrictions continue to ease, why not take a moment to appreciate the things that you have missed the most? The power of touch cannot be underestimated – and a simple gesture like holding the hand of a loved one can leave you feeling more connected.

3. Make a summer collage

On your next walk, collect leaves, dandelions, strands of wheatgrass – whatever takes your fancy. Use each of your treasured finds to create your own scene from nature, then display it in a wooden frame to remind you of your summer’s day walk, all year round.

4. Grow something from seed

Gardening is a great way to practice patience and, despite many things being in full bloom in mid-summer, you can still start to sew flowers for next spring. Calendulas, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, and California poppies are all ideal seeds to plant during July and August.

5. Smile at a stranger

A smile can transform someone’s day – including your own. Smiling is proven to improve your mood, relieve stress, and even help you live longer. It’s also contagious – so smiling at that person in the queue for your morning coffee or at the supermarket checkout can create a ripple effect of happiness.

6. Rekindle a hobby

Did you use to play the piano as a child? Or perhaps your grandmother once taught you to sew? Make time in your life to revisit old pastimes that brought you joy. You never know where it might lead!

7. Write a letter

Take the time to write a letter to a friend or relative. Carefully choose some beautiful paper or a handmade card and focus on the letters and words you are writing. Picture them smiling as they open the envelope and how they will feel as they read your thoughtful words.

8. Sleep under the stars

When was the last time you actually looked at the stars? This simple activity can help you reconnect with the world around you and help you to realize how minor your problems are in comparison. Lie back and cozy up under a sleeping bag, under the vast starry night sky.

9. Sketch a landscape

On a quiet afternoon, take a chair and a sketchpad and spend an hour or two tracing the shapes of the hills, fields, or houses around you. Focus on how the light falls and casts a shadow – lose yourself in the lines and feel the gentle breeze on your face as you focus and forget all your worries.

10. Make tea with fresh herbs

Turn this small, everyday routine into a mindful ritual that will boost your wellness, too. Pick some fresh mint from your windowsill or garden and add to hot water for a natural dose of antioxidants, or slice some ginger for a cleansing cup of tea that’s great for your digestion.

11. Bake something

Too busy to bake? Why not schedule in an hour on a Sunday afternoon to enjoy making a beautiful Victoria sponge, or perhaps some raspberry and coconut cookies? Play your favorite music, and really immerse your senses in the activity. Enjoy the feeling of squishy dough between your fingers and the sweet scent of the ingredients. Once ready, set out your favorite plates, pour a cup of tea, and sit down to taste your creations.

12. Share a memory

By talking about our memories, we keep them alive. Meet with an old friend and reminisce about carefree days spent playing games as a child; look through an old photo album with a family member to rekindle the nostalgia of days gone by; or talk about a loved one you have lost, to keep their spirit fresh in your mind.